Monday, July 15, 2013

We're in Haiti

Hello everyone. Our team has safely made it into Haiti. The team is getting along amazingly well, we can already see new and significant friendships forming. Our flight from Miami to Port au Prince was delayed but both of our flights went well and getting through customs and immigration was a breeze.

We had tacos for dinner tonight and, unlike every other moment of the day, the only sound that was heard was the clicking of forks and knives on plates.

Here are a few travel day memories:

"Best breakfast ever at French meadow bakery in msp. Started the day off right!"  
-Lizzy Pate

"Being delayed brought out the best in us, especially Meghan."
-Hannah Seitz

"On the plane ride to miami, a lady asked me to pray for her and her son because they were nervous about flying. It was really cool because I had an opportunity to do Gods will."
-Ariana van Dyck

"Loved meeting another team from Barbados who was coming to Haiti to do relief work as well. Love to see how God is mobilizing His people all over the world to do His work."
-Stacy Johnson

"Someone next to me on the plane in the beginning asked me what I was most nervous about, and in the end he asked me if he could pray for me, and prayed for what I was most nervous for and it was awesome. "
-Kenzie Sapletal

1 comment:

  1. At Gertrude's:
    One day children were brought to Jesus in hope that he would lay hands on them and pray over them. The disciples shooed them off. But Jesus intervened: "Let the little children alone, don't prevent them from coming to me. God's kingdom is made up of people like these." --Matthew 19:13-15
