Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Tuesday - 
The internet was not working most of Tuesday.  That can be a common occurrence in Haiti so if you don't hear from your loved ones...that's probably the reason why.

Tuesday morning 9 of us went to The Home for Sick and Dying Children.  This is a place where parents can bring their children for medical care.  They leave their children in this place and are allowed to come visit them for brief periods during the day.  The room where we spent most of our time was filled with 50 cribs, each housing a little one in need of care and love.  Serving in this place that is run by Catholic nuns is pretty simple.  You pick up a little one, change their diaper if needed, and spend as much time as you can holding them.  Some are connected to very rural type IV machines, some are crying, others appear lifeless and all are in need of LOVE.  What a life changing experience to be "Sent to Love" the children of this place!

The remaining 7 of us went to a Special Needs Orphanage called Dare's. 
The special needs children have varying degrees of limitations. Many of them can walk, talk and play without assistance. Some are in wheelchairs but can get around themselves and are eager to learn. Some just sit and stare expressionless. Then there are those who are put on the floor because their disabilities don't allow them to walk, talk or interact in any way unless a person picks them up and looks into their eyes. One small, loving gesture can provoke a smile. ALL needed love, lot's of love! It was very difficult to leave these children, knowing we would not be able to see them face-to-face for quite a while, if ever. What a privilege it is to be "Sent to Love" those who some believe to be unlovable.

The afternoon was spent touring The Apparent Project and eating smoothies :-) 


  1. It sounds like a powerful and humbling day. Loving the little children of Haiti. Awesome.

  2. Sounds like a busy day full of serving! Praying for you all!
