Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Day 3: His loving hands

Today, Annette's ministry team went to the Home of Sick and Dying Babies. Once we walked through the doors, all the babies hands in the cribs went up so they could be held. I picked up a 18 month old baby by the name of Noele. For awhile, she sat limp in my arms because she was very weak. I was heartbroken that a child this beautiful was so broken and weak. I prayed that God would shine his love through me and onto Noele so she could feel love and strength. After awhile, she finally started to smile after the one hundredth funny face I made. She was laughing, giggling, and joy was radiating off of her. She made me feel so loved and I could see Jesus through this tiny little 18 month old girl. I believe she impacted me more than I impacted her. God put this little girl into my life to show me that even in the worst of times, there is still hope. Noele had so much Joy at the end of our visit and I will never forget that. I hope the rest of our trip in haiti is just this joyful as today. 
-Annika Swanson

It's crazy to think that we live in a world where we have everything we need and even more of what we want. That's different in city Solei. We got out of the tap tap and were ambushed by the tiniest and most beautiful children just hoping and anticipating an abundance of love. The guys from our ministry team were doing a great job with all of the chaos that comes with delivering water to the Hatians. Meanwhile, the rest of us were helping carrying buckets full of water and holding many kids at once. One specific little boy came up to me with a small cut on his hand. He looked at me asking for help. I took his hand and kissed it, his face lit up. He hung around a little while longer and then left. I spent some time carrying and clinging onto many children with the brightest smiles. A little while later the boy came back asking for another kiss. Soon enough he brought over all his friends and they were all holding out their hands for kisses. Each one of them had the most priceless expressions on their faces, I could never get enough of those kids! It taught me of how the tiniest acts of love mean the world to us. We crave those moments. I was reminded though the Haitians do not have all they need in city Solei, they have the biggest hearts in the world and the most joy i've ever seen. All the glory to God for these experiences that shape who we are!
Thanks for reading:)
-Susan Marsh

1 comment:

  1. Annika and Susan! Beautiful words conveying the hope and love of Christ. Thank you. You are such a blessing to me even when you're thousands of miles away.

    Praying for God to continue to fill each of you with His love and strength, for the Holy Spirit to guide you, and for Jesus to continue His glorious work through you as well as in you.

    I can't wait to hear more stories when you return!

